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Sorrows from the Perspective of the Anthropocene: Start From The God of Small Things

2023-12-31 19:44Source:Horizon Academic

Sorrows from the Perspective of the Anthropocene: Start From The God of Small Things


Li Zheng


Abstract: The God of Small Things is the first novel of Arundhati Roy who is a female Indian novelist and journalist. In this novel, we could recognized her thoughts of time were similar with the point of Anthropocene. For we human entered a new age ever after the announcement from the Noble Prize winner Paul Crutzen of Anthropocene. In India, the issue about time is more complex. This text is focus on the acceleration and stagnation of time. In this way, analyze the "injured civilization" and "injured cosmopolitanism" in India.

摘要:当印度女作家阿兰达蒂·洛伊(Arundhati Roy)在其处女作《微物之神》中绝妙的譬喻写出她对大地之母的想象及时间之思时,人们似乎不难发现——她笔下的妙喻与人类世的论述如出一辙。该小说作品与诺贝尔化学奖(1995年)获得者荷兰科学家保罗·克鲁岑(Paul Crutzen)等的重要判断——人类已经步入了一个新纪元:人类世——遥遥呼应。对于古老的印度而言,迈入人类世之后的杂糅性与身份的含混性,尤为引人注目。本文针对小说文本中所反映出的复杂身份认同、权力资本逻辑等问题以及在大加速时代中的时间急驰与创伤体验中的时间停滞等几个面向的问题进行探讨。进而以管窥豹,尝试分析古老印度其新旧杂陈处境下的“受伤的文明”(奈保尔语)及“受伤的世界主义”(克里斯蒂娃语)。

Key words: anthropocene; trauma; hybridity; The God of Small Things





