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Book Detail

Book Detail


Country profile table: Understand the world at a glance
Country profile table: Understand the world at a glance
Editor-in-Chief: Huang Lian
Subjects: Social sciences
Languages: Chinese
Publication Date: February 2024
Book Format: Paperback
Dimensions(cm): 29.7/21/0.4
Pages: 40
Weight: 0.529 Pounds
Imprint: Overseas Chinese Press
ISBN: 979-8-88874-127-6
List Price:

About Editor-in-Chief

Huang Qinglian, pen name Huang Lian. Manchu ethnic group. Four years of culture. Born in Huanren County, Liaoning Province in 1934. I started working in 1951 and have worked in taxation, trade unions, and material supply and marketing. After retiring in 1991, he self funded inspections of more than 2200 Chinese celebrity tombs and published a series of books on tombs, including "Tombs of Chinese Emperors". Reported 6 books to the Municipal Federation of Social Sciences, all of which won awards. I am currently a member of the Liaoning Writers Association and the Chinese Minority Writers Association.   黄清濂,笔名黄濂。满族。四年文化。1934年出生于辽宁省桓仁县。1951年参加工作,曾做过税务、工会和物资供销工作。1991年退休后,自费考察中国名人陵墓2200余座,出版了《中国历代帝陵》等陵墓系列书8本。上报市社科联6本,均获奖。现为辽宁省作家协会会员,中国少数民族作家学会会员。

Book Description

A summary table of 198 countries, including their names, flags, geographical locations, areas, populations, ethnic groups, languages, religions, customs, capitals, National Day, administrative regions, national income, currencies, scenic spots, and the time of establishing diplomatic relations with China. Understand the world at a glance.   各国简况表,介绍198个国家的简要情况,如:国名、国旗、地理位置、面积、人口、民族、语言、宗教、民俗、首都、国庆日、政区、国民收入、货币、名胜及与中国建交时间等。了解世界,一目了然。